
Your gums, lips, cheeks, hard and soft palates, and tongue are sensitive, and at Dental Charm, our dentist and team understand that, when it comes to treating those areas of your smile, comfort and precision are important. This is why our office features soft tissue lasers in Chicago, Illinois. To learn how this technology can make a difference in your visit with Dr. Patricia Crisostomo, call our office at 773-248-8580 today.

The soft tissue laser is just one way that our dentist and team leverage the latest in dental technology to improve not just your oral health but also the quality of your appointment. Some of the benefits of using a soft tissue laser include:

  • Increased accuracy and a less invasive treatment
  • Shorter treatment time
  • A decreased recovery period
  • Less bleeding
  • A lower chance of infection or cross-contamination.

Our dentist can use a soft tissue laser for treatments such as:

  • Oral biopsies
  • Certain periodontal treatments
  • Lesion removal
  • Removing damage or infected gum tissue
  • Cosmetic gum contouring
  • Exposing an impacted tooth
  • Frenectomies
  • Addressing cold or canker sores

If you are experiencing a problem with the soft tissues of your mouth and would like to meet with our dentist to see how this this treatment can give you a healthier smile, call our office to schedule an appointment.